In this special episode, we're going to talk about something really important: the connection between a horse and its rider. Tori Jeffress is here to help us understand why it's so crucial.
Imagine you have a best friend. You trust them, right? You know they won't hurt you, and you enjoy spending time together. Well, it's kind of like that with horses. Before you can do any horse riding or training, you need to build a strong friendship and trust with your horse.
Tori teaches us that it's not about making your horse do things because they're scared or forced. It's about making them want to work with you because they trust you and feel safe. You want your horse to be like, "Sure, I'll do this with you because you're my friend, and I know you won't put me in harm's way."
Your energy and feelings are important too. If you're scared or anxious, your horse can feel it, just like how you can sense when someone around you is nervous. So, it's essential to keep calm and positive when you're with your horse. This will help them feel relaxed and comfortable.
There are two types of connections: the natural one and the built one. The natural one is when you and the horse naturally get along. It's like meeting someone and instantly clicking. The built connection takes time. It's like when you make a new friend and spend time together, building trust step by step.
To make this connection strong, you can do fun things with your horse, like taking them for a walk or brushing them. It's about showing them you care and enjoy their company. Remember, it's not just about riding; it's about being friends too.
So, join Tori Jeffress on this journey to understand the special bond between horses and riders. Learn how to build trust, create a relaxed atmosphere, and enjoy a wonderful friendship with your horse.
After getting her first pony at the age of two, her love for horses never really blossomed until her mum sold that same pony when she was 7 years old, because she was not one bit interested! From that moment on all she wanted to do was ride!As a youngster, for the initial first few years of pony club Tori grew up spending more time with her face in the dirt than she did on the horses back, push button ponies were never a thing, you rode what you were given and you learnt to hang on… or fall off!Tori says it’s these ponies that taught her resilience- your either “Give in, Give up or Give it all you’ve got”.Thankfully after a few unsuitable ponies she was blessed with one she stayed on, a little more regularly at least!
At age 13 Tori started open level eventing and at the age of 16 left school to pursue a career with horses.At the age of 18 Tori’s focus was more or dressage, this is also when she found Rocco! That’s where the story really starts, the beginning of one very big, expensive but rewarding learning curve and irreplaceable knowledge.Rocco experienced some soundness issues and spent a ridiculous amount of time at the vets, nerve block, after x-Ray, after cortisone injection. He was sound for short spurts and then would go lame again.In 2014 Tori started learning more about classical dressage, around the same time she also began training Rocco bridleless.
Training with a more classical approach and knowledge of biomechanics proved to be very beneficial for Rocco's strength and soundness.In 2017 Tori started training under classical trainer Belinda Bolsenbroek, who she says has been an amazing mentor and coach for her and still is. With Belinda's guidance Tori helped Rocco rehabilitate back to a sound riding horse and has since helped many other horses and owners rehabilitate from injury and behavioural problems.
Tori teaches and trains according to classical dressage principles, with a strong focus on spinal alignment, the function of the body beneath the surface of what we can see and how we as riders are affecting the functioning of the horse biomechanically when we work them. Understanding basic anatomy allows us as riders and horse people to be able to promote correct muscle development; the stronger the structural foundation, the more physically able, balanced, and therefore willing to perform is the horse.Tori works with horses and owners of all levels, across various disciplines. Classical dressage is for any horse, the intention of strengthening the horse's body. A healthy body means a healthy mind.
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